Internationalization in SvelteKit with typesafe-i18n

This is the final article of three-part series to demonstrate i18n in SvelteKit. In the previous article, we worked our way with sveltekit-i18n and in this article, we will work on integrating typesafe-i18n with SvelteKit.

The typesafe-i18n is a fully type-safe and lightweight internationalization library for all your TypeScript and JavaScript projects. One thing that makes typesafe-i18n stand out is that it is a generic library and not limited to Svelte, you can use it with any of your JavaScript or TypeScript projects.

This library introduces a full-fledged flow for maintaining localization in your application. The moment you install this library, it generates a specific folder structure encompassing all the i18n-specific files.

Understanding typesafe-i18n ecosystem and nomenclature

There are six main packages that I want to explain before we start with actual implementation.

  1. Generators:

    • Generators, as the name says generate boilerplate code specific to i18n and look for changes that you make to locale files.

    • Once we have installed typesafe-i18n and run the command typesafe-i18n, the generator kicks in and will generate the following project structure within the src/i18n directory. By default locales for de and en will be auto-generated.

    • Let's go through these generated files as they will be very useful when we localize our application:

      • en/index.ts: If 'en' is your base locale, the file src/i18n/en/index.ts will contain your translations. Whenever you make changes to this file, the generator will create updated type definitions.

      • custom-types.ts
        To define types that are unknown to typesafe-i18n.

      • formatters.ts
        In this file, you can configure the formatters to use inside your translations. The Formatters type gets generated automatically by reading all your translations from the base locale file.

      • i18n-types.ts
        Type definitions are generated in this file. You don't have to understand them. They are just here to help TypeScript understand, how you need to call the translation functions.

      • i18n-util.async.ts
        This file contains the logic to load individual locales asynchronously. This is the preferred approach and we will be using this approach while localizing our application.

      • i18n-util.sync.ts
        This file contains the logic to load your locales synchronously.

      • i18n-util.ts
        This file contains wrappers with type information around the base i18n functions.

    • These files will be auto-updated (except formatters.ts and custom-types.ts) every time you make changes to your locale, if you manually make any changes to these files, they will be over-written!

    • We can configure generators as per our requirements. Here is the list of available options that can be utilized to customize generators. In this article, I'll be keeping things simple and won't be customizing them.

  2. Detectors:

    • Locale detection is a key part of any i18n solution. Therefore typesafe-i18n provides a solution to detect a user's locale.

    • Dectotors exports multiple utility methods that enable us to detect locale on the client and server side. We will see a few of them in sections Detect the locale on the server side and Detect the locale on the client side.

  3. Runtime:

    • The runtime package provides the means of writing and using translations in typesafe-i18n. It exposes wrappers that enable us to pluralize, format and translate our messages.

    • From amongst many utilities exported by this package, three important ones that I want to highlight are:

      • i18nString: It is represented as LLL. It is used for simple string interpolation.

      • i18nObject: It is represented as LL. It is useful in scenarios when we want to provide translations for a particular locale asynchronously i.e. load one locale at a time. We will be using this method in our application.

      • i18n: It is represented as L. It is useful in scenarios when we want to load all the locales synchronously.

    • As mentioned before, I'll be using the LL approach in this article. Here is the link to official documentation that explains how to use the other two approaches.

  4. Formatters

    • This package exports multiple utility methods useful for formatting. We will see a few of them in the section on Formatting.
  5. Importers:

    • This package is used for importing language files that come from an API, spreadsheet or JSON files. I won't be covering details about this package in this article.
  6. Exporters:

    • This package is used for exporting language files to a service or an API. I won't be covering details about this package in this article.

That's it with the fundamentals, let's start with localizing our application.

Application Structure

Before we begin, I want to give you a detailed walkthrough of the application that we will be working on. You can find the code in the GitHub repository.

As we can see from the image, this will be a simple single-page application demonstrating i18n features like locale switching, pluralization and formatting.

In the next section, we will work on integrating the typesafe-i18n library with SvelteKit.

Integration with SvelteKit

  1. Install and Configure the typesafe-i18n library

    • This first step is to install this library as a dependency in our SvelteKit project. We will also need to install npm-run-all package as the dev-dependency. NOTE: Use npm, I tried with pnpm but was not able to execute this command.

        npm i --save-dev npm-run-all
        npx typesafe-i18n --setup-auto
    • This command will run the setup process and automatically detect the config needed. If you want to manually setup the configuration, the command for that is: npx typesafe-i18n --setup

    • This will generate a config file .typesafe-i18n.json. In this file, we will add a new property outputPath to generate folder structure within the src/lib/i18n (default is src/i18n) so that we can access those files with SvelteKit $lib feature.

          "outputPath": "./src/lib/i18n/"
    • The next step is to update the package.json file to include the script for running the typesafe-i18n CLI along with the Vite development server.

        "scripts" : {
          "dev": "npm-run-all --parallel vite typesafe-i18n",
          "vite": "vite dev",
          "typesafe-i18n": "typesafe-i18n",
    • If we run the script npm run dev, it will generate a folder structure for your locales inside the src/lib/i18n folder. By default locales for de and en will be auto-generated, we will customize this in the next section.

  2. Define Locale Dictionary

    • Now that we have installed this library, it's time to identify the areas in our demo application that need localization. We then define the locale dictionaries within the src/lib/i18n folder generated by typesafe-i18n. A locale dictionary is a regular JSON object which contains message definitions for a certain language.

    • The best thing about typesafe-i18n is all the dictionaries will be typed. We can use BaseTranslation type for the same.

    • In our example application, I want five fields to be localized: The main heading, Lable for locale switching, Body text (the paragraph) and Text for pluralization.

    • For the sake of this application, I will define dictionaries in three languages - English (en.json), Hindi (hi.json) and French (fr.json) within the src/lib/i18n folder.

    • By default en/index.ts and de/index.ts will be pre-configured. We will rename de to hi and create a new entry for the fr/index.ts language.

        // file -> src/lib/i18n/en/index.ts
        import type { BaseTranslation } from '../i18n-types';
        const en = {
          heading: 'Internationalization in SvelteKit',
          toggle_label: 'Select Locale',
                'This is a small example to demonstrate i18n functionality in SvelteKit using typesafe-i18n library. typesafe-i18n is a fully type-safe and lightweight internationalization library for all your TypeScript and JavaScript projects. typesafe-i18n comes with an API that allows other services to read and update translations. Total number of npm downloads per week as of {date:Date|simpleDate} are {download:number|simpleNumber}.',
          awards: 'You have {{ not won any awards | won exactly ?? award | won ?? awards }}!',
          time: '{value:Date|simpleTime}',
          date: '{value:Date|simpleDate}',
          currency: '{value:number|simpleCurrency}'
        } satisfies BaseTranslation;
        export default en;
        // file -> src/lib/i18n/hi/index.ts
        import type { BaseTranslation } from '../i18n-types';
        const hi = {
          heading: 'SvelteKit में अंतर्राष्ट्रीयकरण',
          toggle_label: 'भाषा चुने',
                'यह typesafe-i18n लाइब्रेरी का उपयोग करके SvelteKit में i18n कार्यक्षमता प्रदर्शित करने के लिए एक छोटा सा उदाहरण है। typesafe-i18n आपके सभी टाइपस्क्रिप्ट और जावास्क्रिप्ट प्रोजेक्ट्स के लिए पूरी तरह से टाइप-सुरक्षित और हल्के अंतर्राष्ट्रीयकरण लाइब्रेरी है। typesafe-i18n एक एपीआई के साथ आता है जो अन्य सेवाओं को अनुवाद पढ़ने और अपडेट करने की अनुमति देता है।। {date:Date|simpleDate} तक प्रति सप्ताह npm डाउनलोड की कुल संख्या {download:number|simpleNumber} है|',
          awards: 'आपने {{ कोई पुरस्कार नहीं जीता | बिल्कुल ?? पुरस्कार जीता | ?? पुरस्कार जीते }} है|',
          time: '{value:Date|simpleTime}',
          date: '{value:Date|simpleDate}',
          currency: '{value:number|simpleCurrency}'
        } satisfies BaseTranslation;
        export default hi;
        // etc... all other languages that you wish to support
    • Pay attention to the syntax {value: <type>|<formatter} Let's break this syntax down into three parts:

      • {value} is a placeholder that will be populated with a value of a particular locale during runtime. As the locale changes, this field will be recomputed.

      • {value: <type>} is used to specify the data type of value e.g. number, Date etc.

      • {value: <type>|<formatter>} is used to specify a value with a particular data type along with a formatter to format value based on a particular locale.

    • As soon you update these locale dictionary (translation) files, typesafe-i18n will recompute all the files within the src/lib/i18n directory.

  3. Detect the locale on the server side

    • Now that our library is installed and the locale dictionary is ready, it is time to create an entry point that will load the assets based on the user locale and initialize the library with a specific locale.

    • We can make use of detectors to detect the locale. Now this package exports multiple utilities to detect locale and I cannot cover every of those in this article, I'll advise readers to go through every method and pick the best one as per requirement.

    • In the below code snippet within the hooks.server.ts file, I am querying request headers using initAcceptLanguageHeaderDetector() to determine if the locale is present. If yes, then I call detectLocale(...) that returns the final locale to be used. If no locale is returned from headers, I query cookies for the same using initRequestCookiesDetector() If cookies don't return anything, I use the default locale i.e. en

        import type { Handle } from '@sveltejs/kit';
        import { loadLocaleAsync } from '$lib/i18n/i18n-util.async';
        import { setLocale } from '$lib/i18n/i18n-svelte';
        import { detectLocale } from '$lib/i18n/i18n-util';
        import {
        } from 'typesafe-i18n/detectors';
        export const handle: Handle = async ({ event, resolve }) => {
          let deafultLocale = 'en';
          const acceptLanguageHeaderDetector = initAcceptLanguageHeaderDetector(event.request);
          const localeFromHeaders = detectLocale(acceptLanguageHeaderDetector);
          if (!localeFromHeaders) {
            // if locale is not present in headers, try fetching it from cookies
            const requestCookiesDetector = initRequestCookiesDetector({
              cookies: event.cookies.get('lang') || ''
            const localeFromCookies = detectLocale(requestCookiesDetector);
            if (localeFromCookies) {
              deafultLocale = localeFromCookies;
            } else {
              // add in cookes
              event.cookies.set('lang', deafultLocale, { path: '/' });
          } else {
            deafultLocale = localeFromHeaders;
          const locale = detectLocale(() => [deafultLocale]);
          // Load it
          await loadLocaleAsync(locale);
          // Set it
          // [OPTIONAL] set locale within locals property
          event.locals.locale = deafultLocale;
          return resolve(event);
    • [OPTIONAL] If you see any typescript error in the line event.locals.locale = deafultLocale; then update the file src/app.d.ts to include locale property.

        // See
        // for information about these interfaces
        declare global {
          namespace App {
            // interface Error {}
            interface Locals {
              locale: string;
            // interface PageData {}
            // interface Platform {}
        export {};
    • Once the locale is detected, we asynchronously load the corresponding translation messages for that particular locale using loadLocaleAsync(locale). Finally, we set the store setLocale(locale) to save the current locale across the server.

  4. Detect the locale on the client side

    • Once we have the locale set up on the server side, it's time to load the locale on the client side as well. In the file +layout.ts, once the client-side is initialized, we detect the locale from session storage using sessionStorageDetector(), if the locale is not found we pick the locale from the user's browser configuration using navigatorDetector()

        import { browser } from '$app/environment';
        import type { LayoutLoad } from './$types';
        import { setLocale } from '$lib/i18n/i18n-svelte';
        import { detectLocale } from '$lib/i18n/i18n-util';
        import { loadLocaleAsync } from '$lib/i18n/i18n-util.async';
        import { sessionStorageDetector, navigatorDetector } from 'typesafe-i18n/detectors';
        export const load: LayoutLoad = async (event) => {
          if (browser) {
            const deafultLocale = 'en';
            const locale =
              detectLocale(sessionStorageDetector) || detectLocale(navigatorDetector) || deafultLocale;
            await loadLocaleAsync(locale);
    • Similar to the server side, once the locale is detected, we asynchronously load the corresponding translation messages for that particular locale using loadLocaleAsync(locale). Finally, we set the store setLocale(locale) to save the current locale across the application.

Localizing Application

Now that we have configured the library and have the initial locale set, we're ready to start localizing our app. To do that we simply import $LL and pass message id in any component that needs to be translated.

Let's take a look at our locale file:

const en = {
  heading: 'Internationalization in SvelteKit',
  toggle_label: 'Select Locale',
  body_text: '... {date:Date|simpleDate} are {download:number|simpleNumber}.',
} satisfies BaseTranslation;

To set the main heading, the label for locale switching, we simply invoke $LL.<message-id>():

<span>{$LL.toggle_label()}: </span>

We can also pass additional parameters to $LL to populate values at runtime based on the current locale. For example, body_text message-id has two variables date of type Date and download of type number. We can pass the same variables as an object in $LL

  download: 16711,
  date: new Date(2023, 6, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0)

Locale Switching

To switch between locales, we must first load the translations asynchronously for the new locale using loadLocaleAsync() and then update the store using setLocale()

<script lang="ts">
  import { browser } from '$app/environment';
  import { onDestroy, onMount } from 'svelte';
  import { LL, setLocale } from '$lib/i18n/i18n-svelte';
  import { loadLocaleAsync } from '$lib/i18n/i18n-util.async';

  let value: Locales = 'en';

  async function handleLocaleChange(event: Event) {
    value = event?.target?.value;
    await loadLocaleAsync(value);
    sessionStorage.setItem('lang', value);

  onMount(() => {
    const valueFromSession = sessionStorage.getItem('lang') || 'en';
    value = valueFromSession as Locales;
    sessionStorage.setItem('lang', valueFromSession);

  onDestroy(() => {
    if (browser) {

<div class="container__toggle">
  <span>{$LL.toggle_label()}: </span>
  <select {value} on:change={handleLocaleChange}>
    <option value="en">English</option>
    <option value="hi">Hindi</option>
    <option value="fr">French</option>

One more point, in the last section, we detected locale in the +layout.ts file using sessionStorageDetector() and hence we must update the session storage to reflect the latest locale value. Also, the key used in session storage must be "lang" only, this is a requirement from typesafe-i18n.


The typesafe-i18n provides multiple ways in which we can pluralize a string. I would encourage readers to go through examples in their documentation as it would be not possible for me to cover them all.

For this example application, the syntax for pluralization used will be:

{{ zero | one | other }}

Consider the following message-id from our translation file:

awards: 'You have {{ not won any awards | won exactly ?? award | won ?? awards }}!',

This is how we are going to localize:


Now if we compare the message-id with the plural syntax that we have used, this is how things will break up:

  • if randomNumber = 0, the output will be "not won any awards"

  • if randomNumber = 1, the output will be "won exactly 1 award". Here ?? is the value of the argument that was passed to $LL()

  • if randomNumber > 1, the output will be "won 5 awards" (assuming randomNumber = 5)


Coming to the last section of the article where I will discuss formatting Date, Time, Number and Currency using inbuild Formatters.

The typesafe-i18n has one entire package dedicated to formatters. It enables us to use inbuild formatters as well as provides utilities to create custom formatters.

We will write all formatter utilities within the file src/lib/i8n/formatters.ts. We will use time(), date() and number() formatters from typesafe-i18n/formatters. These methods are wrappers around the Intl namespace.

The idea here is to create an object with the custom keys and export it and later while localizing, chain them with respective message-id.

As a first step, we export an object with our custom format options.

import type { FormattersInitializer } from 'typesafe-i18n';
import type { Locales, Formatters } from './i18n-types';
import { date, time, number } from 'typesafe-i18n/formatters';

export const initFormatters: FormattersInitializer<Locales, Formatters> = (locale: Locales) => {
  const formatters: Formatters = {
    simpleDate: date(locale, { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }),
    simpleTime: time(locale, { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }),
    simpleNumber: number(locale),
    simpleCurrency: number(locale, { style: 'currency', currency: getCurrencyCode(locale) })

  return formatters;

function getCurrencyCode(value: Locales): string {
  switch (value) {
    case 'en':
      return 'USD';
    case 'hi':
      return 'INR';
    case 'fr':
      return 'EUR';
      return 'USD';

Now we can use those keys to the chain with our message-id in our translation files.

const en = {
  time: '{value:Date|simpleTime}',
  date: '{value:Date|simpleDate}',
  currency: '{value:number|simpleCurrency}'
} satisfies BaseTranslation;

The last step is to just invoke $LL() and pass relevant arguments.

<span>Time: { $LL.time({ value: new Date() }) }</span>
<span>Date: { ${ value: new Date() }) }</span>
<span>Currency: { $LL.currency({ value: 16711 }) }</span>


Finally, we were able to localize our application using typesafe-i18n. You can find the code in the GitHub repo and link to the live demo.

This was the final article of three-part series to demonstrate i18n in SvelteKit. In the next article, I'll be comparing three libraries: svelte-i18n, sveltekit-i18n and typesafe-i18n.


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